One of the best ways to make a cat happy is to give it lots of petting. Cats like to be scratched at the base of their tail, but they may bite if you try to pet them too much. Instead of petting them too hard, try letting them sniff you first. You can do this by extending your hand toward the cat’s nose.
A cat’s happiness is indicated by a soft, loud purr, lick. However, too much of a loud purr may annoy them. Also, make sure that you pet them from the head to the tail. Some cats do not like to be stroked from the head to the tail, and you should avoid massaging them if you don’t have experience with cats. This website catlycat will give you a brief overview of the cat lick. Hopefully this will help you make a decision on which game to try.
If you have never petted a cat before, be prepared for some confusion. At first, you may notice that your cat enjoys petting you, but then it may turn on you. If the cat begins to scratch you or bite, stop petting immediately. Then, transition into playing with your cat. This will help your cat burn off any excess energy that it may be carrying around.
Another good way to keep your cat happy is by giving it a cat toy. Cats are natural hunters and enjoy playing with toys. You can find many different types of prey toys on the market, or you can make your own using household items.