Google is making improvements to its voice recognition Vidmate system, which makes it easier for users to Search and index websites. The company has also added new features like suggestions, auto-correcting typing errors, and better contextualization of keywords. On top of that, Google’s Voice Search iOS app now supports more than 20 languages. This brings a whole new set of possibilities for language learning, as well as increasing the number of products available to search for on the web. The best way to learn more about this feature is to take a look at our list of why you should and shouldn’t be using Google Search in your everyday life.
What’s new in Google Voice Search?
Google’s voice recognition system has been improving over time, and now it’s making more use of new technology. In this latest update, Google is seeing more use of AI and machine learning, which means it’s able to recognize more sounds, understand more text and put newer words to use. What’s even more exciting is that these technologies can be programmed to recognize more than just words, so you can have Google Voice Search understand pictures, videos, blogs and more.
Auto-correct and spelling checker
Although it’s a little behind the competition in this field, Google’s voice recognition system does still have some power. With this feature, you can Correct or Swap back the incorrect utterances you make, for example, when you’re repeating a word or searching for a definition. It’s especially useful when you’re in a situations where you can’t be around people who can recognize you easily. For example, you might be in a meeting with other Google employees, learning a new language, and looking for someone to correct you. This feature makes the process of correcting your language mistake a little more efficient, as you don’t have to search the whole app for what you need.
Suggestions for what to search for
If you’re looking for new phrases to try on the fly, or you want to try certain keywords in a new location or language, Google now lets you suggest words, phrases and sentences to search for. Before, your only option was to type the words into the search bar, and hope they came up. Now, you can also drop a link to a website, image or other content you’d like to bring to mind, and Google will suggest some of the best potential matches. You can also set a goal for yourself and set a score to show how close you are. This feature can be especially helpful when you’re struggling to join in with other users’ searches.
Better contextualization of keywords
Beyond the obvious fact that you should keywords to search for and define, you should also be placing more emphasis on the contextualization of those keywords. For example, if you’re looking for vocabulary words that pertain to a specific topic, you should put those words in the topic field. If you’re trying to learn more about a certain topic, put that topic in the sub-themes section. After that, you can prioritize your search results by looking at the most relevant keywords for that topic.
Google Now on every device
You can now enable Google Now on your Android or iOS device, letting you search, view and create live updates from there. Before, you had to open the Google app on each device you used, and hope those updates were available. Now, you can enable the service on both the device you use for work, and the device you home. This means you can see what’s trending on the app, as well as access live updates as you type. It also streamlines the process of adding new keywords and topics, as you can now type in the relevant search terms and see results straight on the Google Now app.
iOS & Android apps should be syncing
Starting in version 5.0, Google apps on iOS and Android will automatically sync across devices, making it easier for you to discover new content and see what’s new on your device. This is especially helpful when you’re on the move, as you won’t want to open the app to see what’s new on your Android device.
When it comes to learning more about why you should and shouldn’t be using Google Search, there are a few things that stand out. The first being that the app is still so new, and there aren’t yet any statistics or analytics to go on. The second is that learning new terms and phrases can be difficult, since there are so many options out there. Finally, there’s the matter of practice, which is something that Google itself promotes. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to learning new words and phrases, so it’s helpful to get started now. As with anything, once you start using it often, it’s going to be much more consistent, meaningful, and useful than ever before. You should definitely be using Google Search in your everyday life, and for new terms and phrases that you’re new to the world of search, we’ve got you covered.